Student TraceTogether Tokens (TTT)
Student TraceTogether Tokens (TTT)
7 Jan 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please be informed that all contact tracing will be conducted by the Ministry of Health (MOH) through TTTs. If your child is a close contact, you will be informed by MOH and your child will be issued a Health Risk Warning (HRW).
Protocol 3 at
Students on HRW will have to self-isolate or submit the daily AG- test results before coming to school. Please contact your child’s form teacher if your child has been issued a HRW.
It is therefore important that all students have working TTTs. Students are expected to wear their TTTs when they are in school. Lanyards can be purchased from the school bookshop at $0.60. If the TTT is faulty or lost, please refer to for details on how to replace it.
Please write your child’s name and class on the TTT.
Thank you.
Tampines Primary School
Web Link
Protocol 3
Token Go Where
Note: Protocol 3 link broken.