Tamil Language
Tamil Language
The TPPS Tamil Department aims to nurture students’ love for Tamil Language by adopting varied Teaching Strategies. students are exposed to songs, listening to stories and many different language games. Role plays, Story Telling and Show-and-Tell are some strategies used effectively to arouse the students’ interest and engage them in learning the language.
Mother Tongue Fortnight is a programme designed for students to understand and develop a lifelong interest in their Mother Tongue language and its culture. A variety of activities related to the Mother Tongue languages and culture will be roll out to help promote experiential and engaging learning
Tampines Primary School had our Deepavali celebration during our Assembly period. The Indian Dancers showcased an item and the students learnt about the Traditional Indian food served on banana leaf. The school joined in the sing along session where everyone sang and danced to vibrant Deepavali song. During Recess, students had the opportunity to learn more about Indian culture and food.
Reading is crucial in any language learning. It exposes students to sentences, grammar, and vocabulary. A child who reads extensively is also an independent and self-directed learner. As such, our MT department implements various reading programmes in school to promote reading.
- Story-telling using ICT tools
- MT story book reading at Hall on Wednesday
- PSG Reading Mum Classroom reading activity
The use of ICT to enhance learning (E-Pedagogy) and providing students to share their learning.