Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
Building a strong core through values-based education
In Tampines Primary, our mission is to nurture lifelong learners of good character. The teachers and students are guided by the principle that “Every child can learn and excel” not only in the academic area but also in the non-academic areas. In our journey towards enriching our students beyond limits, we look at developing the self-directed learner who is confident and has the self-efficacy to learn beyond the primary education. It is our hope that every child who leaves Tampines Primary School will carry the Hallmark of a Tampinesian student: Self-motivated, Self-disciplined, Creative and Adaptable, Happy and Healthy, Caring and Confident.
In developing the Hallmark of a Tampinesian, the school has developed explicit CCE lessons with the focus on values education (School iREAP values which includes the qualities in the Hallmark of Tampinesian), student leadership programmes, VIA programmes, NE and life skills through the enhanced TPPS Spring. After every lesson, students are to seek for opportunities to apply their skills. The school has also developed a students’ self-assessment tool (MyHallmarks Portal) as a form “of learning” and “for learning” in the areas of Character, Citizenship and Leadership with the clear indication of the expected behaviour towards the development of a Hallmark student. Active involvement of parents and teachers will assist in the triangulation of their development.
CCE components