Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message
Welcome to Tampines Primary School Website
Our mission to #knoweverychild, #groweverychild and #celebrate every child has guided us in the planning and delivery of all school efforts. It fittingly encapsulates our aspiration to help and empower every Tampinesian learn, grow and excel. Our staff are fully committed to work in partnership with parents, stakeholders and the community to unlock the unique potential in each student.
Since our official founding in 1986 as the first community school in Singapore, we have grown together with the community to become a school of excellence in nurturing life-long learners of good character.
The school has accredited curricular and non-curricular programmes to ensure that each child is advocated for, holistically developed and meaningfully engaged. The school has two recognized signature programmes. The Applied Learning Programme (ALP), ‘ACTitude’ ensures that students learn confidence, creativity, communication skills and values through drama. The new Learning for Life Programme (LLP), ‘Future Ready Citizens – Developing the Community Leader’ aims to develop all students into leaders who will be able to look beyond self to serve others. Using servant leadership principles, our students will appreciate the importance of empathy, care and gratitude. Underpinning all these are the refreshed school values of iREAP - integrity, resilience, excellence, adaptability and passion. Students are strongly encouraged and given opportunities to put these values into practice both in school and at home.
The MOE Kindergarten at Tampines Primary is now fully functioning with K1 and K2 students. Many of the kindergarteners utilize their accorded priority at official P1 registration exercise to join Tampines Primary School.
The good enrolment figures and the keen interest from parents for both the primary and kindergarten sections show the trust that parents have in the school, making us a school of choice.
Part of our school’s improvement plans include completing a covered court and air conditioning in the school hall. These will help us to make Tampines Primary a more conducive place for learning and teaching.
My staff and I look forward to 2025, to you joining us in the journey, to realise our vision of “A Community School of Excellence: Caring, Creating, Connecting and Contributing”.
Mrs Lay See Neufeld
Tampines Primary School

Straits Times Article - Preparing Children for P1 ( 27-06-2023)
The article was published on Straits Times website on 27th June 2023